Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rude Tubes on BBC Radio4

At 2.28pm today on BBC Radio 4 the word 'Asshole' was to be heard. It was not being used to describe Boris re. his Island nor Seb for continuing to defend the indefensible and reprehensible LOWLIFE ticket touts. Maybe there is a chance of my book being chosen for 'A Book at Bedtime', without the need for dramatic cuts. Even the following passage might survive.

A previous head teacher wanted to tap my brains to select a couple of outstanding scientists whose contributions like Newton's were of world renown. As the school was about to go Grant Maintained, a sort of first step to privatization, it was felt by the powers that be that the Chemistry and the Physics Labs should be called after distinguished people of science.

The Science Department gave the matter some serious thought. Two names came to mind. My Physics colleague had always been impressed by the Kundt's Dust Tube Experiment with which the speed of sound can be calculated. In Chemistry I loved those bottles of Wanklyn's Soap Solution that smelled of meths and kept the glassware crystal clean before dishwashers became commonplace.

We sent back our suggestions of the 'Kundt's Laboratory' and the 'Wanklyn Laboratory' which seemed in the opinion of the Science Department to both honour effective and practical scientists as well as reflect the Senior Management of the school. I think the labs are still without names.

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