Monday, August 27, 2012

Out of the Frying Pan

Shades of the beginning of the season-Opposition drop out, organise another game then it gets rained off. Kindly the opposition have offered to try to find a pitch for next week as we don't have a scheduled game.

The phone call describing the downpour came 20 minutes before we were due to set off, so we decamped to our house to have a few beers and to set the world right.

The alternatives received to frogs legs included chicken wings, King size prawns and scallops. I did get stick from some Vegans but with no response from @Edangeredfrogs I've suggested a replacement recipe which I thought would have been suitable for veggies, but turns out to have the word 'viandes' in it.

Hopefully mon amie the translater will come up trumps encore un fois to confirm this, though I don't want to overload her curriculum as the French must be back at School by now. Term time can't be far away over here either as the Notting Hill Carnival is in full swing.

Paralympics, Venice and Bournemouth to fit in while the Cricket season comes to an end, then serious thinking about the next year's Ashes. I've been to more Test Match days in Australia than I have over here. I've got to maintain my average on that count.

What would you suggest? Adelaide, a few days in Sydney then Perth in the company of Bob Taylor?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Read this mes amis and drool

Let me think ..............

Cut the frog legs in half. Season both the legs and flour. In a large saute pan, over medium heat, melt the butter. Dredge the frog legs in the seasoned flour and shake to remove any excess flour. Add the frog legs to the hot pan and saute until golden, turning as needed, about 2 to 3 minutes each side. Add the shallots and garlic and saute for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, season with salt and pepper, and cook for 1 minute. Add the wine, simmer for 2 minutes, then stir in the parsley. Remove from the heat and serve.

Get someone that you fancy to read this to you in a french accent and you'll never have the need to read those 50 Shades threesomes. As the lovely Lizzie (pictured) would say, Griff, Dara and Rory (from my old school), 'As you can see from the picture of our sinking boat Three would be a crowd'.

PS. If you can think of a substitute for the frogs legs that will still press the buttons feel free to comment.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hop (sic) Springs Eternal

The frog in my garden (pictured) is perfectly safe as my French isn't up to translating the recipe (pictured aussie) to make a meal of it.

He or she was too quick, too slippery for me anyway and legged it just after the photo was taken. I continue to have similar experiences with the LOWLIFE website trying this time for Paralympic tickets. The frog seems slow compared with the speed at which the available tickets disappear into the ether.

The same thing happened with the Olympics but it didn't spoil the event and I wallowed in the success of it all just like everybody else. While we were in France avoiding the grenouilles a friend of ours managed to get us tickets for the Athletics. For a fiver each!

I feel a sense of guilt. Why me? I feel like a benefit cheat? No worse. Like a banker. I'm persuading myself that as it wasn't me that actually got the tickets I should continue the search for more.Track Cycling, Equestrian or Swimming? What do you think Seb?

There are those who would say, Seb, that the frog has more chance of turning into a Prince or even a Lord than I have of getting tickets from that website. Like that frog I have no intention of becoming legless or newtlike but I like you, Seb, will celebrate if I strike gold.

I need to galvanise myself this weekend and get myself prepared to play some cricket after weeks of umpiring inactivity. The game is at Teston where I tore tendons in my arm three years ago. With the passing of time and the help of some reiki sessions my bowling arm should be okay for a couple of overs.

We'll see.