Friday, July 20, 2012

Torchy Torchy the Battery Ploy

I did hear that a snatcher turned his attention to a hotter property in Gravesend this morning. Let's hope that he got his fingers burned and gets the appropriate roasting. I certainly hope he didn't and doesn't get away with it.

I was in the town centre this morning to pick up my Sky wireless router that they promised to give me free of charge after not too much fuss so I can see films anytime, which is a plus. Anyway it was buzzy and busy. I didn't hear any untoward planning, maybe because of all the whistles being blown.

Despite one of my ex-pupils carrying it in the town centre we had other plans to amble down the road from our house past an old flame's house to see the torch.

I called in to the Old Folks Home in Darnley Road to see if Gaynor Kingston( some of you may remember him from Gravesend Cricket Club) wanted to go down to see the torch. He did. I picked up a folding chair as all that batting over the years has given him a bit of a dodgy back. Otherwise he seemed in great form and off we strolled.

The torch bearer (See Photo) seemed happy and excited as did everybody else. There was even some enthusiasm still evident amongst the battery of also rans and promoters, but as they are getting to the end of a long journey you can forgive them running out of juice. Maybe the torch snatcher had drained their energy.

The freebies weren't exactly flowing. A limited edition of coke bottles was all that was on offer. Hardly the real thing though I did get one and gave it to a young lad who was reticent about going to the front of the crowd. When the Tour de France went through Gravesend a few years back many more hats and flags were offered free of charge. Of course the exchange rate is different now apres le deluge. I didn't have time to ask the flag seller 'What's your best price?' I didn't see him sell any.

Is it true that they were waiting to get to the leafier outskirts of Gravesend before the Corporates emerged from their buses to offload their riches? To see the Lloyds coach was a bonus now that they are Co-operating

I couldn't get over how friendly and happy the Police Motorcyclists were. Has Theresa May promised them a pay rise for bailing out the Security for the Olympics or are they just trying to Court favour again after getting their fingers scalded by the kettling, or was it Sunburn?

Seb seemed to get away with it on the Today programme on Radio 4 this morning. He sounded like the politician he is. We all want a successful and safe London Olympics. But it would have been nice to be there, to be part of the real thing. I should have asked for 'Hands up if you've got a ticket'. I bet there wouldn't have been more than a handful.

I'm proud to be part of Gravesend. I think the local community here is great. I enjoy being part of Gravesend CC. Like so many I'm happy to be a bit on the side part in the torch relay and unlike the LOWLIFE and milk snatchers of this world I'm okay with staying on the sidelines. Ironically enough like so many of the people I talked to today I do get the feeling of being sidelined as far as Olympic Tickets are concerned. But it's okay as like the rest of the masses I've seen the light and won't be storming the Bastilles. (sic).

A sop? A ploy? Probably. No worries, I can sit on the couch and see it all on TV eating my Walker's potato crisps in a plain brown bag. Good to see Boris so 'ebullyent' (sic) about it all. Oh Yea. Me? I'm happy to wait until a few more whistles are blown to 'Hear all about it'.