Monday, October 21, 2013

Two twoselby? Quo Vadis?

There's nothing like a puzzle, especially when in Rome. Where is this part of Nero's Aqueduct as depicted in Piranesi's etching which we have above our fireplace? (Picture 1).

Is this it? Just down the via from the San Giovanni in Laterno which is the cathedral of the diocese of Rome. You know across the piazza from the Scala Santa where pilgrims go up the how many? steps on their knees. (Picture 2 and it's not 39)

The eagle eyed amongst you would have despite the roadside chaos in both pictures spotted the differences.(I make it ten). You will need more than a bogof standard GoldenEye Roman Eagle from Frescos to confirm our view that it could be in picture 3. In fact even if you have razor sharp eyesight you'll be decimated trying to find out.

Behind the wire lies the Villa Wolkonsky which houses the British Ambassador to Italy. He must have been about Her Majesty's service when we called. His man on the door who looked more of a Disparilavoro than a Giacomo Legame wouldn't give us a look in saying that it was for his eyes only.

You could see why there was so much traffic chaos rumbling past the aqueduct as there was no evidence of the speeding CCTV cameras they use in Rome as shown in picture 4.

Look out you thousands of pilgrims in Rome next April when the two late popes are going to be proclaimed saints. As with present day popes the pickpocketers work in twos except that like the desecrated pilgrims there will be hundreds of them. If you get on the Metro and somebody does some starjumps in front of you, grab your bag before they do.

According to the Italian investigating officer the pickpocketers graduate from a college where top students can remove a denarius from a handbag full of razor blades uncut. Like our graduates they spend years paying back the blood money.

There is no truth in the rumour that the missing razor blades from the wire in picture 3 were removed on a visit to the Ambassador's residence by Michael Gove with a view that there should be a more updated and hands on approach to the study of Ancient Rome in our schools. I think.


Q. My favourite Italian ice cream? A. Desiccated coconut.

Q. Two twoselby? (Pronounce as for Nicholas Nickleby) A. Four

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