Friday, February 24, 2012

Humble Pastie Innocent of all Charges

Let's clear two things up, now that my 'winter sickness' has cleared up. Firstly it wasn't the pastie. You know when you phone your friends and say 'sorry I haven't been in touch since seeing you on the weekend as I 've been ill' and they say 'Funny, so have we'. No? Well we do know as that's what happened to us after our weekend at an hotel in Bath. Like the responsible person I am I have let the hotel know. No I'm not saying I'm responsible for spreading the virus. I think I was more of a picker up, though not in the lounge lizard sense.

Secondly which may be down to you is whether it is 'pastie' or 'pasty'. I think it is the former as we used to hold a former, perhaps late, Cornwall rugby player by the name of 'Pastie Harris' in high regard. It wouldn't have been 'Pasty' (rhyming with tasty) as that was the nickname of the kid in our class at school who shall we say had a very fair complexion. Beware before you pontificate, as at the time in Cornwall when most of us were Cornish we used to call turnips 'swedes' and cauliflower 'broccoli'. More Cornish pastimes including exploding seagulls and how to differentiate between emmets and grockle can be found in French and Spanish Cricket for Beginnersdownloadable from

As you can tell, besides the fact that I don't know how to get rid of italics, from the photographic record of our visit to the 18th Fina Visa Diving World Cup at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park Boris wasn't there at the time. If he had been he may have caused a bigger splash than he did at the Velodrome. The lower photograph reflects the boredom that enveloped the Aquatic Centre after the first 50 or so dives. The Olympic hierarchy had obviously picked up on the vibes, or in this case ripples emanating from the spectators. Brits-Like they must have persuaded their Director of Operations to herd the divers together to jump from the various heights at the same time to regain the public's interest.

To regain the public's confidence, Seb and the Gang of Five Rings have had a window of opportunity for selling more tickets to the said public jemmied open for them. Will I be a candidate? I did enter the first ballot; I think I watched their website crash for the second. I can't remember at what particular stage I became despondent and gave up. Give Boris his due, London Prepares went and continues to go a little way down Restitution Road. Don't get carried away though Boris, I still don't want your Island offshore my back yard.

Finally to the significance of the top photograph. No it does not depict just one of the World'd best women divers, to be confirmed today. It is a photograph of an athlete, not yet winning but taking part, who is acknowledging the appreciation of the crowd and probably the crowd itself as fellow human beings with a humble bow. All the Asian contestants did the same. No others gave any sort of acknowedgement except for the two Brits who each gave a smile in response to the loud cheers. Coaches may say that the competetive bubble in which the athletes must saponify themselves does not allow for such a spectrum. However He say " Pot of Gold not at end of Rainbow for all. Only there for those who say 'After you'." Sayonara, in deference to the Japanese diver who didn't do so well but nevertheless bowed and was certainly not humbled.

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