To those sadly not able to get in to watch Ebbsfleet for £7 or to warm your hands with fuel bought from the Winter Fuel Allowance or to travel to Dartford Market on the FastTrack etc.
Went to London Prepares Gymnastics last night at the O2 with Ben's Mum and Dad and Lizzie of course plus Heth. Sat next to two Brazilian ladies. 2-2 as far as Gold medals were concerned. 2-0 to them as far as pints of lager were concerned. I am concerned as they said it cost them £5.40 a pint. If it wasn't for the fact that the wonderful Lizzie had brought Pizza half price in Tescos (Sorry about your shares, Tesco, not) together with a bottle of wine from Uncle Martin specially chosen by Nephew Jack who works at Majestic that we were able to consume in Car Park 1 due to the unseasonal warm weather that our generation has bestowed upon you, I would have been somewhat disappointed, to use an expression that our generation has failed to bestow upon you along with the appreciation of the apostrophe. The event was enjoyable and cheap especially for those of my generation.
The point of all this is twofold. Firstly to remind you that on Tues 17th Jan tickets for the Diving 'London Prepares' become available to be held at the Aquatic Centre from 20th-26th Feb. Once again they are reasonably priced and hopefully as with the Gymnastics you can actually get hold of them. Secondly to remind Seb Coe that just like thousands of others I have still not been able to get hold of any F***ing Olympic Tickets, cementing my view mirroring what most of my generation felt at the time of your athletic peak, that they prefer Steve Ovett as an individual to you. No hard feelings. Yet! And it's not just because you defeated my mate to become MP for Falmouth/Camborne.
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